Plagiarism Detection

Plagiarism Detection

The peer review process is at the heart of the success of scientific publishing. As part of our commitment to the protection and enhancement of the peer review process, Journal has an obligation to assist the scientific community in all aspects of publishing ethics, especially in cases of (suspected) duplicate submission or plagiarism.

To check the originality of each submitted manuscript to the Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum, it will be checked for the plagiarism before the reviewing process using the online detection software Turnitin which compares the submitted manuscript with a huge online database including academic papers, previous Turnitin submissions, and the World Wide Web. The similarity report will summarize the matching or highly similar text found in a submitted manuscript.

Plagiarism Check With Turnitin: 

There are twelve steps to check the submitted manuscript:

The manuscript receives as Microsoft Word document.

Each manuscript will be checked thoroughly to be sure that there are no transparent letters, blanks not required or doubtful phrases.

Author's name (s), entities to which they belong, their e-mails and the references will be excluded from the manuscript.

Log in to the account of Turnitin.

Title of the manuscript is downloaded in the field "Add class" and it will get ID number.

Click Upload, the time for the similarity index to appear depends on the length of the document, numbers of images and the strength of the internet signal. Then go to assignment inbox.

Click on the percentage value in order to access the document viewer.

After clicking on the similarity index in the document viewer, the document viewer pops up in a separate window.

On the right-hand side, the number indicates the similarities (as a percentage) will appear; with several colored icons have different percentages.

To understand the meaning of colors of the report icons which linked to the similarity index percentage ranges, they are expressed with the corresponding color for each:

Blue (no matching text). Green (one matching word to 24% similarity index). Yellow (25-49% similarity index). Orange (50-74% similarity index), and red (75-100% similarity index).

The similarity report and the receipt could be downloading in PDF format, so the author can simply check the result report.

The similarity number allowed to be accepted for the submitted manuscript must not exceed 20%.